
Prometheus & Grafana

Grafana is a Visual tool for displaying data in form of Charts and Graphs. Below I have described how both Prometheus and Grafana can be setup.

Portainer is a Web-based Docker GUI tool. The main benefit of this Tool is you can have a nice UI to display all your Docker containers and images, create/update/delete them with just a click of a button, and so much more. Installation information in link –>

Hibernate using JPA implementation

There are lot of Databases(MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, etc) and implementations for each varry. Its hard for a company to switch to a different Database later in the project, if need arrises.Sun Microsystems recognized this problem and came up with a solution to stardardize ORM implementation(using tools like Hibernate, MyBatis, etc), known as JPA. Therefore JPA…


There are 2 implementations for REST Api in Java:1. Jersey, 2. Spring. – What is difference between using Servlets/JSP and REST Api??? The former returns an HTML response to Client; and the latter returns a JSON/XML response to Client. We first see how to implement REST Api using –> 1. Jersey. First create a Maven…

Java Servlets and JSP

Servlet Filter (Practical):We use “Filter” to basically for decoupling of specific application feature like eg: log, transaction, security; so that we can plug it anywhere we want without effecting other servlets or classes. Credits: Screenshots taken from Youtube –> “Servlet & JSP Tutorial | Full Course”; created by “Telusko”; Link:

About Me

I am a Professional WordPress Web Developer.

I have experience with – Javascript, Angular, WordPress, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, MySQL, Git, Docker, Kubernetes. I am willing to try new frameworks and libraries; basically learn new technologies, and take on new challenges.

You can know more about my latest projects:

*** I worked on several personal projects and uploaded them on Github –>

I joined an awesome online Mentoring Group to gain knowledge about Freelance WordPress Development. LINK —

I know about a great Web Development Agency; LINK — . You can trust them with any services related to Web Development, WordPress Development.

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